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Vitamin C

The much talk about the citrus- Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), is water soluble vitamin. It is a strong antioxidant. Today vitamin C is a popular dietary supplement, and due to improved accessibility to fruits, vegetables and vitamin supplements, disability and death from scurvy are rare. 
It protects the cells and reduces the risk of damage to the cells by stabilizing free radicals. Research has confirmed that by consuming vitamin c daily you can increase blood antioxidants levels by 30%. Which will in turn help the body fight against inflammation.

Vitamin C is essential for carnitine, collagen, and neurotransmitters biosynthesis. Most plants and animals can synthesize ascorbic acid on their own. However, humans cannot synthesize this vitamin as we lack an enzyme called gluconolactone oxidase. For this purpose, our diets should contain adequate amounts of vitamin C.

The Recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C mg/ day is given in table
1 according to the age groups.

Table 1: Recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C mg/ day

Infants up to 1 year Children 1-9 years 10-17 years Adults Pregnant women Lactating mothers
25mg/d 40mg/d 40mg/d 40mg/d 60mg/d 80mg/d

Vitamin C has been known to help prevent and/or treat numerous health conditions. Benefits of Vitamin C are as follows :

Strong Antioxidant Property Helps in Boosting Your Immune System

Vitamin C with its antioxidant rich property helps in boosting immunity and has been found to reduce the risk of illnesses such as cough, cold and flu. Vitamin C is essential to stimulate the immune system by increasing the strength and protection of the organism. It reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps fight against various infections.

Vitamin C and its relation to weight loss

Every individual goal is different when it comes to health and fitness, some want to maintain their weight, while others want to lose weight or build muscle mass. Studies in the literature have shown that with moderate exercise when vitamin C consumption was adequate in the diet 30% of more fat was oxidized, which results in more fat burning during your workout. The presence of vitamin C can help raise your body’s metabolism, resulting in weight loss, fat loss, and less abdominal fat. Without sufficient vitamin C levels, the body cannot use stored fat. Even when you have lost weight, a person with a low vitamin C intake tend to have more “belly fat” than those with adequate vitamin C consumption. This is true because vitamin C is required for the metabolism and reduction of fatty tissue.

Vitamin C increases your iron absorption

Vitamin C-rich fruits have been reported to increase the bioavailability of iron from staple cereals and pulses. The body needs iron to help it carry out many vital processes such as energy production, growth, development, and the synthesis of hormones. Iron also helps to keep the immune system healthy. For iron absorption vitamin C is utmost important, so to increase iron absorption include foods that are high in vitamin C, in the same meal as iron-rich foods.

Skin and hair care with Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in building protein collagen and absorption of iron which in turn promotes healthier skin and hair. With adequate intake of the vitamin maintaining skin and hair becomes easy. Healthier glowing skin and well- nourished hair is what everyone wishes for, and the answer to this is adequate consumption of Vitamin C.

Physical and mental health – Vitamin C

It has wound healing properties and reduces inflammation inside and outside your body, as well as giving you a healthier and energised look. It has also been known as a vitamin that gives you more energy and boosts your mental health. Adequate levels of vitamin C have been shown to cut down the risk of depression and fatigue as it helps in iron absorption.

Cancer and Vitamin-C

High dose of vitamin C could help prevent and treat cancer. Vitamin C has been shown to kill various cancer cells. However, when taken orally the benefits have not been as strong. Several studies have shown that intravenous vitamin C can elevate blood levels more than oral dosing and overall is well tolerated by cancer patients. The mechanisms behind its anti-cancer activities are still being studied.

Vitamin C and blood pressure

Today many people suffer from hypertension. Water soluble property of Vitamin C also acts as a diuretic causing the kidneys to remove more sodium and water from the body, which helps to relax the blood vessel walls, thereby lowering blood pressure. Which in turn reduces the risk of cardiac problems by making heart healthy.

Easily Available Vitamin C Rich Foods

  • Amla
  • Guava
  • Kiwi
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
  • Tomato
  • Kale
  • Black Currants


Don’t Let Monsoon – The Wetty Climate Win Over Your Health/Body

Rainy season also known as wet season. There is a significant fall in temperature with the beginning of rainy season. As the rains are on, people start craving for fried snacks such as Pakora’s, Samosa’s, Chaat etc. from outside which is not good for health, this sudden change in the temperature the body cannot accept and thus have unpleasant feelings due to upset stomach. This season not only brings relief from heaty and humid temperature, but also brings water and food- borne diseases cold, cough, fever, weakened digestive system, allergies, etc

Human’s love rainy season, they enjoy rains in their own ways from going for a long drive and have Butha’s (Sweetcorn), go for a walk and have that chai from ‘tapri’. But knock-knock its not only humans who like rainy season animals, plants,

viruses, and bacteria’s also love them the most. Monsoon is the perfect time for viruses and bacteria to grow faster, but do not worry here are few tips and dietary suggestions that will help you keep the worries at bay.

Food Habits That Needs To Be Taken Care Of

Have plenty of water

Keep yourself hydrated by having lots of water. Try and have boiled water to kill the germs if any.

Herbal beverages

Try and include Tulsi, Mint and Ginger in your hot beverages to avoid the risk of sore throat and running nose

Incorporate green leafy and yellow red veggies

These foods are rich in antioxidants hence these should be consumed to maintain good health and keep infections away. Incorporating bitter gourd, pumpkin, neem leaves are also beneficial.

Have seasonal fruits

Keep yourself energised with fruits like pomegranate, peaches, mangoes, pears, apples etc.

Increase Vitamin C Intake to boost immunity

Vitamin C rich foods help boosting immunity as well as helps absorb iron, hence it becomes beneficial to incorporate foods rich in Vitamin C.

Wash green leafy vegetables and Root Vegetables

To avoid intake of insecticides, vegetables should be washed thoroughly before consuming.

Avoid non vegetarian foods

Digestion is already compromised in rainy season due to temperature change, sea foods can be heavy on stomach and may lead to stomach upset. So, avoid raw or semi cooked egg, fish, mutton etc.

Avoid fried foods

Fried foods can lead to stomach upset. Thus, Boiled or steamed and grilled foods are the best in this weather. Raw foods should also be avoided.


PCOS/PCOD Isn’t Just Related To Period…. But Can Be Traumatic…. A Little Love, A Little Understanding And That’s All The Lady Needs…………..

While both the conditions are related to the ovaries & both cause hormonal disturbances, there are differences. People often confuse themselves with these two terms. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a disorder of the endocrine system, while PCOD is a condition developed by the imbalance of hormones. It is believed that hormonal imbalances and genetics play an essential role in both conditions. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) being an endocrine abnormality most commonly seen in reproductive-aged women. The syndrome consists of chronic ovulation dysfunction, hirsutism (male pattern hair growth) and obesity. It also, disrupts the menstrual cycle, which can lead to fertility issues.


All women who suffers from PCOS may not have all the symptoms, symptoms vary from mild to severe every women may experience different symptoms. Common symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Weight gain is mostly common
  • Periods may be irregular or may not come at all
  • Hirsutism- there could be excessive hair growth on face, chest, buttocks etc.
  • Hair loss from head or thinning of the hair
  • Breakout of acne on face, and also skin may become oily
  • Irregular ovulation or there may be failure to ovulate which reduces the chances of becoming pregnant

Health risk

Depression : women may experience mood swings and depression which can affect ones self-esteem and confidence

Cardiac : high cholesterol and blood pressure is what a women experiences in PCOS

Diabetes : there could be imbalance in blood sugar levels, is linked with higher levels of circulating insulin which increases the risk of women for type 2 diabetes.

Sleeping problems : overweight women may cause interrupted breathing during sleep which is known as sleep apnea.

Diet and PCOS

Lifestyle changes like weight loss, diet, and exercise is the best treatment for PCOS.
foods can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion and reducing the impact of sugar on the blood. This may be beneficial to women with PCOS. As it will have a feeling of satiety (fullness) and one may cut down on calories.

High fiber Foods

  • Whole grains and pulses, beans lentil’s, etc.
  • Oats and Museli
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts
  • Red and green bell peppers
  • Almonds
  • Whole fruits not juices
  • pumpkin

Diet should be low glycemic index (GI) : low GI foods are digested more slowly; they do not cause insulin levels to rise as much or as quickly as other foods, such as refined carbohydrates. Foods in a low GI diet include whole grains, pulses and legumes, nuts and oilseeds, fruits, starchy vegetables, and other unprocessed, low-carbohydrate foods.

Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet : this will help in reducing inflammation related symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue. Foods such as yellow orange fruits, berries, green leafy veggies etc.

Follow DASH diet : Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) helps in reducing the risk of heart disease. It helps managing PCOS symptoms. This diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, fish and poultry, whole grain, and low-fat dairy products. foods that are high in saturated fat and sugars are not allowed.

Foods that should be avoided

  • 1.Foods high in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, biscuits, cakes and muffins. Anything that is made with refined flour.
  • 2.Sugary juices/ drinks
  • 3.Sugary snacks/ Desserts
  • 4.Processed foods and red meats- as this may increase inflammation


What Is Immunity….. How To Boost It?

In today’s fast running world people don’t have time to think healthy and then eat, and most of us take the immune system for granted. Our immune system has many roles to play to keep us away from diseases it protects us from restricting viruses, germs and bacteria to enter which are harmful for our body. Many complain of having weaker immune system this is all because of unhealthy diet practices which we indulge in.

Many of us read articles that immunity is of utmost importance but we have very less idea how to boost immunity. Further we will be reading on how to boost immunity and to live a healthy life with stronger immune system. It’s not always only about eating less, stopping some foods will help but there are few other steps that can help to have healthy lifestyle.

Vitamin and Immune System

Vitamins are essential constituents of our diet that have long been known to influence the immune system. Vitamins A and D have received particular attention in recent years as these vitamins have been shown to have an unexpected and crucial effect on the immune response. Vitamin D plays a very important role in helping immune system to produce antibodies, which in turn prevents pathogens from entering or damaging cells.
Vitamin D is probably the most important vitamin related to your immune health. People suffering from chronic infections are reported to have low levels of vitamin D. Foods that are colorful have carotenoids present in them such as sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin etc. The body turns these carotenoids into vitamin A.

Vitamin A have antioxidant effect that strengthen our immune system to fight against infections. Vitamin C is the biggest immunity booster among all, infact it’s a known fact that if you are deficient in Vitamin C you are prone to get sick easily.

It’s important to have daily dose of vitamin C because your body does not produce or store it. Like vitamin C, vitamin E helps your body fight off infections as it’s a powerful antioxidant and vitamin B6 is vital to supporting biochemical reactions in immune system.

Boost Immune System With Diet

One can avoid seasonal illness by having change in the diet. Good and balanced nutrition plays very important role in making your immune system stronger. No single food can be of help to boost your immunity unless you start follow a balanced diet. When you go easy on sugary foods or drinks it affects your immune system. Fruits and vegetables are always good to be incorporated in your diet as these are loaded with vitamins and minerals. And if you are thinking to add any supplements its always better to have a word with your doctor or dietitian.

Exercise and Immune System

Exercise causes change in antibodies and white blood cells (WBC). WBCs are the body's immune system cells that fight disease. Exercise helps WBCs to circulate faster and allowing them to identify the bacteria’s that are harmful to the body and flush them before they could cause problem. Regularly exercising like walking, jogging, yoga etc. helps flushing bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This in turn helps reducing chances of getting a cold, flu, or other illness. As exercise improves the blood flow through the cardiovascular system, and helping the system to flush out germs through our excretory system via sweat and urine.

Some may find it difficult to carry out these changes immediately; taking one step at a time will make it easier and keep you healthier for a better tomorrow.

“As we age, our immune response capability becomes reduced, which in turn contributes to more infections. Your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against -causing microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to take every measure possible to ensure that your immune system remains strong.”